The Real Estate Show

Radio Show Notes 6/27/22 Monday

June 27th, 2022 7:59 PM by Eric Willner

Radio Show Notes 6/27/22 Monday:

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Can Real Estate Make You Happy?


By Eric Willner, Host of The Real Estate Show, America’s longest running daily radio show about real estate heard Monday Thru Friday on the air, on the net, and on apps.



Hi, this Monday edition of The Real Estate Show, with Real Estate Investment Expert and Radio Show Host Eric Willner, asks the BIG Question: Can Real Estate Make You Happy? Is there a connection between Real Estate and happiness? Yes! Let The Real Estate Show show you how!


Welcome to week 26 of 2022! It’s Day 178 of the year, and that means we are almost at the midpoint of the year, and there are only 187 days left!  Are you HAPPY about where you are so far this year?  It’s later than you think!


If you were to ask people what they want out of their lives, or what they want out of their careers, for that matter dash the most common answer would B, “I want to be happy.”. That raises the question, “what is happiness?” what is this elusive concept most people seem to spend their lives chasing, but most never reach?


The truth is that-like success- happiness means different things to different people. There is no commonly accepted definition of happiness that applies to everybody. It can be pretty hard to create a road map to happiness when it's a different destination for each person asked. In fact, some people can't even tell you what happiness would be for them.


As a result, over the course of our careers, we have tried to invest time to determine, “what is happiness and what drives it?” if we know what drives happiness, then we know what we need to focus on and where to put our attention and time on. Generally speaking, there are five major sources of happiness:


1. Learning and growing – Knowledge Freedom

2. Control over your destiny and outcome – Personal Freedom

3. Earned success – Goal Freedom & Financial Freedom

4, Quality relationships – Relationship Freedom (U be U)

5. Having an optimistic future – Mental & Psychological Freedom


So as to set the agenda for this coming week, these five things: learning and growing, having control over your destiny, earning your success, developing quality relationships, and being optimistic about your future, are the main drivers of happiness. What's really interesting is as we've looked at our paths in becoming good at real estate, especially as an automatic landlord, we were actually supporting and growing our happiness as well! Therefore, we believe that investing time and resources in real estate, by making a commitment to becoming a leader and expert in this field, will actually make you a happier person. If you need more convincing, stay tuned for the rest of the week as we peel back the curtain and dive deeper into each of these factors on how you can use real estate as the ideal vehicle and ideal investment to reach happiness.


Some Key Points to remember from last week are:

- Only a small percentage of Americans retire financially independent

- The American Dream of Golden Years Dream has been replaced by the 40-40-40 Trap

- What is The Ideal Investment?

- Becoming “The Automatic Landlord” is the Solution!

- Pay Debts off 2x as fast, Retire 2x as well with The Automatic Landlord Method

- Know the difference between “In” Real Estate vs “On” Real Estate.

- Own vs Rent!

- Special Landlord Timing is fast approaching



Listen to the show live or the archived version in its entirety for all the tips, facts and ideas discussed today.


Want more? If you are serious about real estate and paying off debt, then find out more on today and every day’s episodes and learn more about Real Estate Investing and learn HOW TO by listening to The Real Estate Show with Eric Willner. The Show is Live every weekday morning at 9 o’clock (EST) on Florida’s Money Talk Radio station WSBR:  AM 1470, FM 95.3, and FM 96.9. You can also hear us on the free apps: iHeart Radio and TuneIn. Recorded Rebroadcasts are available 24/7 on Facebook.


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Eric Willner is the Host and Founder of The Real Estate Show, an informative show about how to buy, own, and improve real estate the right way, on autopilot. - The Automatic Landlord way. ( You can reach Eric Willner at or 888-595-7779.


#TheRealEstateShow, #EricWillner, #AutomaticLandlord, #Saving vs Investing, #ThirdHome, #BestRealEstate, #WSBR, #AM740, #FM 96.9, FM 103.9, #MoneyTalkRadio, #TheRealEstateLife, #speakingempire, #GKIC, #makeamericagreatagain, #propertymanagement, #rent, #Saving, #Investing, #Debt Solutions, # So You Can Retire Debt-free, #RetireDebtFree, #VA Loan, #AutomaticDebtSolution

Posted by Eric Willner on June 27th, 2022 7:59 PM


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Boca Raton, FL 33427-3730