The Real Estate Show

Radio Show Notes 6/22/20 Monday

June 24th, 2020 3:11 PM by Eric Willner

Radio Show Notes 6/22/20 Monday: Are You 6 Months In The Past Like Most People And Don’t Know It?

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By Eric Willner, Host of The Real Estate Show, America’s longest running daily radio show about real estate.



In the Monday edition of The Real Estate Show, Eric Willner asks the critical Post Covid Crash question, “Are You 6 Months In The Past Like Most People And Don’t Know It?” If you are watching the crazy main stream, highly slanted and outdated TV News with it’s not-so-hidden agenda, the You probably are!


Thanks to a worldwide pandemic, several months in isolation, the world has shifted right before your eyes and most people didn’t get what just happened. In a virtual blink of an eye, the world has irreversibly changed, and the majority of the population hasn’t figured it out. Did you? Are You 6 Months In The Past Like Most People And Don’t Know It?


To learn more, listen to this weeks daily edition of the Real Estate Show and Learn why I am asking, “Are You 6 Months In The Past Like Most People And Don’t Know It?” Also find out why real estate will be one of the best places, and least risky places to put your money going forward. Buet you better know how.


Shift #1: As I mentioned in our show 4 weeks back, The gig economy is taking over the world, and the United States is no exception. An increasing number of American businesses and workers are opting for the gig model, primarily because of more flexible working conditions. Younger generations are leading the way, although there’s a significant number of gig workers who were born well before the 1980s.


There are many factors influencing the growth of the gig economy. Companies are turning to freelancers to do jobs that are not directly related to their industry (such as marketing, design or content creation) in a cost-effective way. Are You 6 Months In The Past Like Most People And Don’t Know It?


Shift #2: A growing number of online platforms offer excellent earning opportunities, and with a decreasing need for physical presence in the workplace, it’s easier than ever to work for multiple employers simultaneously.


According to one study, the freelance economy is growing three times faster than the traditional workforce in the United States. What was once considered a fringe employment model has now become mainstream. Are You 6 Months In The Past Like Most People And Don’t Know It?


Shift #3: In light of the continued impact of the novel Coronavirus and the crashing employment figures, experts believe the road ahead may be longer than expected and having a new source of income now may be critical – even more than ever! Are You 6 Months In The Past Like Most People And Don’t Know It?


Shift #4: Moreover, EMPLOYERS are figuring out that remote workers do work, and they can tie up less resources in traditional offices, which will allow them to redeploy those assets elsewhere for a higher return. Are You 6 Months In The Past Like Most People And Don’t Know It?


In his discussion on The Real Estate Show about some unconventional strategies in the New Mobile - Gig Economy – Eric lists 10 reasons why Real Estate Is The Best Business In The World. Here they are:


1.    Work from Home (or Anywhere). Ironically, now we are being required to stay in our homes, but this has long been a dream for many would be entrepreneurs – to be able to stay home and make your own hours.

2.    You can work Real Estate Full time or Part time. It’s you call depending on what your goals are.

3.    You can make a lot of money. Real estate is Scalable. There are plenty of stories and lots of evidence out there.

4.    No Special Equipment Needed, lowering the barrier to entry.

5.    No Inventory required, again lowering the barrier to entry.

6.    No Employees needed. Hire a gig worker if you need help!

7.    No large upfront investment.

8.    In Real Estate You can be successful in your own backyard.

9.    Real Estate requires No licenses or degrees needed.

10. Real Estate Satisfies a basic human need.



So, Are You 6 Months In The Past Like Most People And Don’t Know It?


First, get an accurate picture of where you are right now. How much cash do you have on hand? What else can you easily convert to cash? For many media reporters and government officials that say things are not so bad, a little out-of-the box thinking may be in order. Consider instead some unconventional strategies for this unconventional market would be prudent. Stay tuned ALL THIS WEEK for more about the question I posed!


When it comes to real estate, the same concept of unconventional strategies for this unconventional market – get into the gig – applies, but just with a twist. It may be too late to sell into our recent market strength, but you can still pull your cash out with a refinance and historically low rates. Plus there is a special but limited window of opportunity RIGHT NOW. Due to the fact that there have been few sale transactions closed during the lock down over the last 30 days, appraisers are still using past comparable sales – mostly BEFORE the Covid-19 Pandemic took hold of our economy. That means higher appraisal values for a limited time. Once those comps become greater than 90 days old lenders will likely stop accepting these older higher comps, and this window of opportunity will slam shut!


Finally, do not panic, stay informed, and use your best judgment. The situation is rapidly changing, so focus on putting policies and procedures in place to keep your perspective.


Listen to the show live or the archived version in its entirety for all the tips, facts and ideas discussed today.


Want more? If you are serious about real estate and paying off debt, then find out more on today and every day’s episodes and learn more about Real Estate Investing and learn HOW TO by listening to The Real Estate Show with Eric Willner. The Show is Live every weekday morning at 8 o’clock (EST) on Florida’s Money Talk Radio station WSBR:  AM 1470, FM 95.3, FM 96.9, and FM 103.9. You can also hear us on the free apps: iHeart Radio and TuneIn. Recorded Rebroadcasts are available 24/7 on Facebook. 


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Then check out these EXTRA cool resources: To become a homeowner regardless of credit or ... for Financial Education and Credit Improvement for Landlording and Real Estate Investment for a fast cash offer on Real Estate for great deals on Real Estate Investments to Partner on Real Estate Deals


Eric Willner is the Host and Founder of The Real Estate Show, an informative show about how to buy, own, and improve real estate the right way, on autopilot. - The Automatic Landlord way. ( You can reach Eric Willner at or 888-595-7779.


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Posted by Eric Willner on June 24th, 2020 3:11 PM


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