May 29th, 2020 6:12 PM by Eric Willner
Radio Show Notes 5/25/20 Monday – Mondays on a Mission Memorial Day Edition. Honoring Their Dedication By Showing Ours!
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By Eric Willner, Host of The Real Estate Show, America’s longest running daily radio show about real estate
Today on The Real Estate Show, Radio Show Host, Eric Willner, honors our fallen heroes by remembering these great American Patriots on Memorial Day. Our heroes had a vision and a mission. They were willing to pay the ultimate price for that American vision, and that is why we have the great nation we are today. We have freedoms like few countries around the globe do, and greater opportunities than anywhere else - if we chose. That’s “the thing” though, you have to choose to take that opportunity, and you have to take action. It won’t just happen by itself. Therefore, in addition to remembering our fallen heroes, we ought to DO something to show our understanding and appreciation. We honor their dedication by showing ours.
Recently, I spoke about the gig economy and how as a result of Covid-19 it is becoming even more common everywhere, and not just in America. American’s are an independent breed and the gig economy is naturally very much in line with the American Spirit. Free to set your own terms, set your own hours, choose your own path! Do this and we honor their dedication by showing ours.
When it comes to American businesses, I believe there is not a more American business than Real Estate! Real Estate Deals with owning a physical piece of America. Homeownership is the cornerstone of the “American Dream”. Joining, supporting, and engaging in our U.S. Real Estate is by definition American. Again, we honor their dedication by showing ours in Real Estate.
Remember, in that conversation we also described several options of opportunities in Real Estate. You can be a real estate agent, a real estate investor, a property scout, a loan broker or loan officer, or you can help people to build and repair credit. All of these gigs ADD VALUE to America. In remembering our fallen heroes, we honor their dedication by showing ours in these facets of Real Estate, the Ultimate American Business.
You can listen the entire 30 minute broadcast of Today’s edition of The Real Estate Show by clicking on the audio link above. You can also watch the Facebook Live video at
Want to know more? If you are serious about real estate and paying off debt, then find out more on today and every day’s episodes and learn more about Real Estate Investing and learn HOW TO by listening to The Real Estate Show with Eric Willner , Live every weekday evening at 8 o’clock (EST) on Florida’s Money Talk Radio stations WWNN AM1470, FM 95.3 FM 96.9, and FM 103.9. You can also hear us on the free apps: iHeart Radio and TuneIn. Recorded Rebroadcasts are available 24/7 on Facebook. Please share this and our Facebook updates.
Eric Willner is the Host and Founder of The Real Estate Show, an informative show about how to buy, own, and improve real estate the right way, on autopilot. - The Automatic Landlord way. ( You can reach Eric Willner at or 888-595-7779.
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