The Real Estate Show

Radio Show Notes 12/12/23 Tuesday

December 12th, 2023 9:55 PM by Eric Willner

Radio Show Notes 12/12/23 Tuesday:

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Welcome to the Real Estate Show – South Florida’s #1 Real Estate Radio Show and America's longest-running daily radio show about real estate. Today marks the "Tuesday Tools, Tips, and Techniques" Edition of The Real Estate Show, where we delve into why NOW is the time to invest in real estate with the overarching theme: “Real Estate is THE Best Business in the World.”

Did you know that the current real estate landscape is brimming with opportunities, and it's crucial to seize them now? Today's show is about "Real Estate is THE Best Business in the World" and the paramount importance of comprehending its workings for a plan of real estate success.

But before we delve into the heart of our discussion, let me remind you of this week’s special FREE Workshops:

Wednesday night at 8:30 pm, don’t miss the Financial Edge University Overview – Online by Invitation. Text the word Edge to 561-861-2366.

Continuing our exploration of why NOW is the time to buy real estate, let's expand on the previous comments, shows, and delve into the Cash Flow Quadrant concept. The Cashflow Quadrant serves as a powerful tool to measure your progress, regardless of your goals or current career level.

Whether you find yourself in the Employee (E), Self-Employed (S), Business Owner (B), or Investor (I) quadrant, the Cash Flow Quadrant helps you think about the big picture and put your current and long-term goals into perspective. It makes you evaluate your current quadrant and determine if you are satisfied with it or not.

So, let's break down today's theme in more detail and emphasize the tools used in recalibrating your real estate goals for the new year ahead. Real Estate truly stands out as the best business in the world for numerous reasons, and I want to share the top 10 with you:

  1. Work from Home (or Anywhere): The dream of making your own hours and working from home is now a reality for real estate entrepreneurs.
  2. Flexible Work Hours: You can work in real estate full-time or part-time, depending on your goals. You control your time.
  3. Unlimited Income Potential: Real estate is scalable, and there are plenty of success stories to prove it.
  4. No Special Equipment Needed: A cellphone and a laptop is all you need. Lowering the barrier to entry.
  5. No Inventory Required: Again, simple and lowering the barrier to entry.
  6. No Employees Needed: Hire gig workers if you need help!
  7. No Large Upfront Investment: Making it accessible for aspiring entrepreneurs. More later…
  8. Local Success: You can be successful in your own backyard. Literally
  9. No Experience Necessary: No licenses or degrees needed, especially with the right Mentor.
  10. Satisfies a Basic Human Need: You get paid to help people!
  11.  And Bonus Reason#11: Be Your Own Boss- Enjoy the freedom of being your own boss.

Each of these reasons empowers individuals to step into the world of real estate without unnecessary hurdles. Real Estate is more than a business; it's a fulfilling journey of helping others and building a life on your terms.

If you're ready to take the first step toward your real estate success, text the word EDGE to 561-861-2366. That's EDGE to 561-861-2366 for a special opportunity to elevate your real estate game.

But before we continue, let's take a moment to thank our sponsor, They've been helping individuals take control of their financial destinies by repairing and optimizing credit scores. Check them out at or call/text me at 561-861-2366.




[Commercial Break]

Eric Willner: Welcome back to The Real Estate Show. Today’s show is brought to you by If you're looking to improve your credit score and take control of your financial future, text "Credit" to the number on your screen. That's

Now, with these ton reasons why Real Estate truly stands out as the best business in the world, let's re-dive into a powerful tool for planning and setting goals – SMART goals. Have you heard of SMART goals? SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. These parameters ensure that your objectives are attainable within a certain time frame.

A SMART goal is a simple life hack for completing tasks, making even the most ambitious goals attainable. Why use SMART goals? Because goals are the ultimate form of motivation, inspiring us to work towards our life’s purpose. Yet, so many goals go unfulfilled due to lack of clarity. A goal without supreme clarity is an unattainable dream.

So, what makes a SMART goal smart?

  • Specific: Your goal should be ultra-specific, leaving no room for misinterpretation or vagueness.
  • Measurable: Your goal should be quantifiable, with progress easy to track.
  • Achievable: Your goal must be realistic, determining if it's truly attainable or an unrealistic ask.
  • Relevant: Does your goal contribute to your bigger overarching goals? Ensure it aligns with your life's purpose.
  • Time-bound: Set defined start and end times for your goal, with incremental dates to meet specific objectives if large enough.

Why use SMART goals? Because they fuel extraordinary accomplishments. Setting a SMART goal vs. just a goal can be the difference between success or failure.

Now, here’s an example for Finance and Savings:

    • Simple Goal: I want to save money for a house.
    • SMART Goal: I’ll start saving 15% of every check and tracking my finances immediately to have $40,000 for a down payment for the house I want in eighteen months.

Now, let’s mark your calendar for tomorrow for our Wednesday Midweek Mortgage and Market Report. Don’t miss getting up-to-date with what’s going on in the real estate world. Thank you for listening and remember, don’t just listen, use our show to get started in real estate investing.

Tune in every weekday to The Real Estate Show, a literal seminar in every episode. And don’t forget to attend our free online workshops. This is Eric Willner, the Voice of Real Estate, signing off. Until next time, happy investing!

Eric Willner is the Host and Founder of The Real Estate Show, an informative show about how to buy, own, and improve real estate the right way. You can reach Eric Willner at or 888-595-7779.

#TheRealEstateShow, #EricWillner, #AutomaticLandlord, #ThirdHome, #BestRealEstate, #WSBR, #AM740, #FM 96.9, FM 103.9, #MoneyTalkRadio, #TheRealEstateLife, #speakingempire, #GKIC, #makeamericagreatagain, #propertymanagement, #rent

Posted by Eric Willner on December 12th, 2023 9:55 PM


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