The Real Estate Show

Radio Show Notes 11/10/23 Friday

December 5th, 2023 9:19 PM by Eric Willner

Radio Show Notes 11/10/23 Friday:

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Welcome to the Real Estate Show – South Florida's #1 Real Estate Radio Show and America's longest-running daily radio show about real estate. I'm your host, Eric Willner, known as the Voice of Real Estate and the founder of America's longest-running daily radio show about real estate. I'm also the creator of The Automatic Landlord System for Owning Cash Flowing Real Estate "Profitably and Hassle-Free."

Today is the "Friday Wrap-up: TGIF x3" edition of The Real Estate Show, and it's where we continue to talk about why NOW is the time to buy real estate using this week's theme:

The parallels between real estate investing like a pro and the life of a professional race car driver.

We started the week with the “Monday On A Mission” Edition: Real Estate Investing is like Professional Race Car Driving We kicked off the week with a powerful exploration of the uncanny parallels between real estate investing and the life of a professional race car driver. Just as every pro race car driver needs specific elements for success, these same principles apply to becoming a pro real estate investor:

1.    The Driver (You – to drive your real estate results): Whether on the race track or in the real estate market, success begins with you. Your skills, decisions, and determination are the driving force behind achieving your goals.

2.    The Vehicle (Properties – that you guide to profits): Much like a race car driver relies on a high-performance vehicle, you, as a real estate investor, guide your properties to profits. Choosing the right properties and managing them effectively are key to a successful journey.

3.    A Track to run on (A plan and a system to run on): Every race car driver needs a track to showcase their skills. Similarly, you need a well-defined plan and system for your real estate journey. A strategic roadmap ensures you navigate the market track with precision.

4.    Fuel (Leads to Buyers and Sellers are the fuel that drive real estate): For a race car, fuel is essential, and in real estate, leads to buyers and sellers are your fuel. They propel your investment engine, driving your journey toward financial success.

Tuesday Tools, Tips, and Techniques: Driving Your Real Estate Results Tuesday was all about essential tools, tips, and techniques every real estate investor needs to succeed. Much like a race car driver requires the right gear, you, as the driver of your real estate journey, need the proper tools. From understanding the market track to fueling your investment engine with leads, we explored the strategies that will propel you towards financial victory. Plus we went into deeper detail in each of the 4 essential components of a Pro Real Estate Investor.

Wednesday Midweek Mortgage & Market Report: Navigating the Real Estate Track Our midweek check-in involved a closer look at the market and mortgage trends. Drawing parallels between becoming a professional real estate investor and a race car driver, we examined the twists and turns of the real estate track. Understanding the current national mortgage rates and the impact of landmark court decisions on real estate commissions, we equipped you with the knowledge to navigate the market with finesse.

Thursday ATM – About The Money: Turning Your Real Estate Engine Thursday's focus was all about the money – a crucial aspect of both race car driving and real estate investing. We emphasized that strategic investing is the fuel for your journey to financial independence. From driving your real estate results to navigating the track with a well-thought-out plan, we connected the dots between making money in real estate and the art of race car driving.

As we wrap up this week's episodes, I want to express my gratitude to each one of you for tuning in. The Real Estate Show is not just about listening; it's about taking action. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting, use the insights from our show to propel your real estate journey forward.

Special Workshops: Accelerate Your Real Estate Knowledge Before we part ways for the weekend, I want to remind you of two special workshops lined up for next week. On Tuesday at 8 pm, join us for the "Path To Home Ownership Introduction" – an online session by invitation when you text PATH to 561-861-2366. Then, on Wednesday night at 8:30 pm, discover the ins and outs of financial success with the "Financial Edge University Overview." Simply text EDGE to 561-861-2366 to secure your spot.

Brought to You By: Before we conclude, I want to thank our sponsor for this week, making these insightful episodes possible. Today's show is brought to you by – because timing is everything in real estate. Text "Credit" to 561-861-2366 to explore how they can help you on your journey.

Closing Thoughts: Turn Your Learning into Action Now, as we wrap up this Monday On A Mission edition, remember that your journey in real estate is like a race – it's dynamic, challenging, and rewarding. Don't just listen to our show; use it as your guide on the track to success. Tune in every weekday to The Real Estate Show, where every episode is a seminar, and every insight is a step closer to your real estate goals.

Thank you for being part of our real estate community. Have a fantastic weekend, and remember – today is a great day to have a great day, so have a great day!

#TheRealEstateShow, #EricWillner, #AutomaticLandlord, #ThirdHome, #BestRealEstate, #WSBR, #AM740, #FM 96.9, FM 103.9, #MoneyTalkRadio, #TheRealEstateLife, #speakingempire, #GKIC, #makeamericagreatagain, #propertymanagement, #rent

Posted by Eric Willner on December 5th, 2023 9:19 PM


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