The Real Estate Show

Radio Show Notes 05/30/24 Friday

June 1st, 2024 2:15 PM by Eric Willner

Radio Show Notes 05/30/24 Friday:

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Conquer Your Money Fears & Buy Now: 

Push Through Resistance with The Financial Edge And Unlock Your Real Estate Dreams (ATM Edition)

By Eric Willner, Host of The Real Estate Show, America’s longest running daily radio show about real estate. 

  1. Did you know that owning real estate can be a hedge against inflation, meaning its value can increase alongside rising prices in the general economy?
  2. Did you know that even small down payments are possible with certain loan programs, making homeownership more accessible than you might think?
  3. Did you know that owning a business can offer tax benefits in addition to income, potentially boosting your financial edge for real estate investment?
  4. Did you know that there are free resources available to help you improve your financial literacy and make informed decisions about real estate
  5. Did you know that delaying your entry into the real estate market could mean missing out on potential appreciation and long-term wealth building?


The Real Estate Show: Thursday ATM – About The Money Edition

Welcome to the Real Estate Show – South Florida's #1 Real Estate Radio Show and America's longest running daily radio show about real estate! This is your host, Eric Willner, the Voice of Real Estate and founder of America's longest running daily radio show about real estate, and creator of The Automatic Landlord System for owning cash flowing real estate profitably and hassle-free. This show is like a virtual real estate seminar in every episode!

Did you know? Real estate offers the potential for multiple ROI streams, not just capital appreciation! Rental income, tax benefits, and depreciation deductions can all contribute to your overall return on investment.

Today is Thursday, where we say it's the "ATM – About The Money" Edition of The Real Estate Show! We're continuing the conversation about why NOW is the perfect time to buy real estate, using the theme of "Push Through Resistance and Get Started."

Speaking of getting started, do you know "The Rules of Money"? There are key principles that govern financial success: the 1% Rule, the 4% Rule, the Rule of 72, and more. Knowing these rules is essential to gaining a financial edge.

Did you know… financial literacy empowers you to make informed decisions about your future?

This week is a great reminder because April was Financial Literacy Month! It's all about educating people on budgeting, saving, investing, and managing debt. The goal? Improved financial stability and success for everyone.

So, why is "Push Through Resistance and Get Started" so important? Let's break down 5 compelling reasons:

  1. Time in the Market: The longer you invest in real estate, the more time your property has to appreciate in value. Don't wait for the "perfect" time, because there might not be one.
  2. Low Interest Rates (Historically Speaking): While rates have recently risen slightly, they are still historically low compared to past decades. This translates to lower monthly payments and increased buying power.
  3. Hedge Against Inflation: Real estate historically holds its value against inflation, protecting your investment from rising costs.
  4. Tax Advantages: Owning real estate offers tax benefits like deductions for mortgage interest, property taxes, and depreciation. These deductions can significantly reduce your taxable income.
  5. Building Equity: With every mortgage payment, you build equity in your property. This is essentially forced savings that can be used in the future for a down payment on another investment property, your children's education, retirement, or anything you desire.

Building a strong financial foundation is crucial for success in real estate. Text "Credit" to 561-861-2366 to learn more about building your financial edge and unlocking real estate success through good credit!

Today's Show is Brought to You By: [invalid URL removed]. Don't let bad credit hold you back from achieving your real estate goals!

Thinking about attending one of our free workshops this week? Text "Edge" to 561-861-2366 to secure your spot today!

We also had a fantastic Wednesday night workshop! It was the Financial Edge Academy Overview, and we're building a community of street-smart, money-smart people. We even introduced the 72-Hour Money Challenge!

(Insert 72-Hour Money Challenge Commercial Here)

Remember, you can join us online by invitation simply by texting EDGE to 561-861-2366.

Let's continue to talk about why NOW is the time to buy real estate using the theme of "Push Through Resistance and Get Started."

Another important point to consider is the Power of a 3-Pronged Approach, which I call the "3-legged stool." Just like a stool needs all three legs for stability, financial security needs three key elements:

  1. Be a Homeowner: Everyone should buy a house and build equity.
  2. Financial Order: Everyone needs a written financial life plan to map out your goals.
  3. Own a Tax-Advantaged Business: A business can provide income and tax benefits.

This 3-pronged approach is the foundation of The Financial Edge, your financial team. We believe in a 5-Star System to WIN at the Money Game:

  • Level 1: Save. It all starts with saving more of what you already make.
  • Level 2: Make More. Invest your money wisely to grow it smarter, not harder.
  • Level 3: Multiply. Leverage your investments to maximize your returns.

**The power of 3

(We're halfway through the show! Here's a reminder to call to action)

Thinking about attending one of our free workshops this week? Text "Edge" to 561-861-2366 to secure your spot today!

Today's Show is Brought to You By: [invalid URL removed] [invalid URL removed]. Don't let bad credit hold you back from achieving your real estate goals!

Now, let's delve deeper into the Power of 3…

There's a reason why so many things come in threes: the Triple Play in baseball, the Triple Crown for achieving excellence in multiple categories, and the Holy Trinity in religion. Three is a powerful number, and it's the smallest prime number after 1, making it a simple yet effective framework.

In the context of The Financial Edge, our 3-pronged approach and 5-Star System work together seamlessly. They both emphasize the importance of taking action and building a strong financial foundation for real estate success.

Let's break down Level 3 of the 5-Star System: Multiply.

This level focuses on leverage, which simply means using other people's money or assets to magnify your returns. In real estate, leverage is often achieved through financing. By putting down a smaller down payment and financing the rest of the purchase with a mortgage, you can control a much larger asset than if you had to pay for it entirely with cash.

Here's an example: Let's say you have $50,000 saved for a down payment. With a traditional 20% down payment requirement, you could only afford a $250,000 property. However, with leverage (financing), you might be able to qualify for a loan that allows you to buy a $400,000 property with your $50,000 down payment.

This leverage allows you to control a larger asset, potentially leading to greater returns on your investment. Remember, real estate appreciates in value over time, so even a small initial investment can grow significantly.

Of course, leverage is a powerful tool, but it's important to use it responsibly. Don't overextend yourself financially. Work with a qualified financial advisor to determine the appropriate level of leverage for your situation.

Now, let's explore how the 3-pronged approach and 5-Star System work together.

Imagine a three-legged stool. Each leg represents one of the key elements of financial security: being a homeowner, having a financial plan, and owning a tax-advantaged business. Just like a stool needs all three legs for stability, your financial well-being requires a multi-faceted approach.

The 5-Star System complements the 3-pronged approach by providing actionable steps to achieve each of those elements. Saving more money (Level 1) helps you build a down payment for a home. Investing wisely (Level 2) can grow your wealth and contribute to your financial plan. Leveraging your investments (Level 3) can amplify your returns, potentially accelerating your path to financial freedom.

Remember, financial literacy is key to "Pushing Through Resistance and Getting Started" in real estate. Text "Credit" to 561-861-2366 to learn more about building your financial edge and unlocking real estate success through good credit!

We're nearing the end of the show, but before we go, here are some key takeaways:

  • Real estate offers multiple ROI streams, not just appreciation.
  • Now is a good time to buy with historically low interest rates (although they've risen slightly recently).
  • Building financial literacy empowers you to make informed decisions.
  • The Power of 3 (3-pronged approach) emphasizes homeownership, financial planning, and tax-advantaged businesses.
  • The 5-Star System provides actionable steps for saving, making more money, and leveraging your investments.

Thank you for joining The Real Estate Show – America's longest running daily radio show about real estate! Don't just listen, use this show to take action and get started in real estate investing. Tune in every weekday for another episode, a virtual real estate seminar in every broadcast! Join us for our workshops as well – they're designed to help you achieve your real estate goals.

Tomorrow is our Friday Weekly Wrap-Up! Don't miss the highlights of the week! Remember, real estate is the IDEAL investment, a stone-cold fact.

The Real Estate Show: Thursday ATM – About The Money Edition (Wrap Up)

(Here's the final segment of the show. Don't forget the call to action!)

Thinking about attending one of our free workshops this week? Text "Edge" to 561-861-2366 to secure your spot today!

Today's Show is Brought to You By: [invalid URL removed] [invalid URL removed]. Don't let bad credit hold you back from achieving your real estate goals!

We've covered a lot of ground today on The Real Estate Show, focusing on the theme of "Push Through Resistance and Get Started."

We explored the concept of multiple ROI streams in real estate, the current market conditions with historically low interest rates (despite the recent slight increase), and the importance of financial literacy for making informed decisions.

We also introduced the powerful concept of the 3-pronged approach, your "3-legged stool" for financial security. Remember, a strong foundation is crucial – you need all three legs (homeownership, financial planning, and a tax-advantaged business) for stability.

The 5-Star System complements the 3-pronged approach by providing actionable steps to achieve each element. Saving more (Level 1) helps with a down payment, wise investing (Level 2) grows your wealth, and leveraging your investments (Level 3) amplifies your returns.

Remember, knowledge is power, and the power of knowledge can unlock your real estate dreams! Text "Credit" to 561-861-2366 to learn more about building your financial edge and unlocking real estate success through good credit.

Don't forget, financial literacy is key to pushing through resistance and getting started! We have a wealth of resources available to help you on your journey. Join us for our free workshops (text "Edge" to 561-861-2366) and tune in every weekday for another episode of The Real Estate Show, your virtual real estate seminar.

Tomorrow is our Friday Weekly Wrap-Up! Don't miss the highlights of the week! Remember, real estate is the IDEAL investment, a fact.

We'll leave you with this final thought: Take action today! The time to get started in real estate is now. With the right knowledge, tools, and support, you can achieve your homeownership goals and build a secure financial future.

Thank you for joining The Real Estate Show, America's longest running daily radio show about real estate! We'll see you tomorrow!

Also, you can listen to the entire 30 minute broadcast of any day’s edition of The Real Estate Show by clicking on the audio link on that days summary post. You can also watch the Facebook Live video at

Want to know more? If you are serious about real estate and paying off debt, then find out more on today and every day’s episodes and learn more about Real Estate Investing and learn HOW TO by listening to The Real Estate Show with Eric Willner , Live every weekday morning at 9 o’clock (EST) on Florida’s Money Talk Radio stations WWNN AM1470, FM 95.3 and FM 96.9. You can also hear us on the free apps: iHeart Radio and TuneIn. Recorded Rebroadcasts are available 24/7 on Facebook. Please share this and our Facebook updates.

Eric Willner is the Host and Founder of The Real Estate Show, an informative show about how to buy, own, and improve real estate the right way, on autopilot. - The Automatic Landlord way. ( You can reach Eric Willner at or 888-595-7779.

Also listen to the rebroadcasts on demand on 

#TheRealEstateShow, #The.Real.Estate.Show, #EricWillner, #AutomaticLandlord, #Saving vs Investing, #ThirdHome, #BestRealEstate, #WSBR, #AM740, #FM 96.9, FM 103.9, #WWNN, #AM1470, #MoneyTalkRadio, #TheRealEstateLife, #speakingempire, #GKIC, #makeamericagreatagain, #propertymanagement, #rent, #Saving, #Investing, #Debt Solutions, # So You Can Retire Debt-free, #RetireDebtFree, #VA Loan, #AutomaticDebtSolution

Posted by Eric Willner on June 1st, 2024 2:15 PM


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