The Real Estate Show

Radio Show Notes 04/18/24 Thursday

April 22nd, 2024 10:19 PM by Eric Willner

Radio Show Notes 04/18/24 Thursday:

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Secret Habits of Teacher Millionaires Revealed! It's Not About Salary!

By Eric Willner, Host of The Real Estate Show, America’s longest running daily radio show about real estate.


Welcome to The Real Estate Show—South Florida’s #1 Real Estate Radio Show and America's longest-running daily radio show about real estate. The radio show is called "The Real Estate Show," hosted by me, Eric Willner, known as the Voice of Real Estate and founder of America's longest-running daily radio show about real estate. I'm also the creator of The Automatic Landlord System for Owning Cash Flowing Real Estate Profitably and Hassle-Free. It's a virtual real estate seminar in every episode.

Today is Thursday, where we call it the "ATM – About The Money" Edition of The Real Estate Show. It's where we continue to talk about why now is the right time to buy real estate, using the theme of "Times of Turmoil are also Times of Opportunity."

Did you know real estate offers the potential for multiple ROI streams, not just capital appreciation? This includes rental income, tax benefits, and depreciation deductions. Real estate investing is more than just buying a property; it's about leveraging a multifaceted approach for long-term financial growth and stability.

Before we dive into today's discussion, I want to talk about the fantastic Wednesday night workshop we had last night. It was the Financial Edge University Overview, and we are building a community of street-smart and money-smart people. In yesterday's workshop, we introduced you to the 72-Hour Money Challenge, which could be a game-changer for your financial future.

?? Ready to take control of your finances and put more money back in your pocket? Join us for the exciting 72-Hour Money Challenge, where financial experts do the work, and you reap the rewards! ??

Starting on March 18th, 2024, and running until April 30th, 2024, this 72-day challenge is your ticket to financial fitness and freedom. ??

Stop giving your hard-earned money away to the Government, Banks, and Big Business! Let our team of experts turn these expenses back into income for YOU. ??

Here’s what you can expect:

• Our Experts Do The Work: Unlike other programs, we provide you with a complete team of financial experts who will do the heavy lifting for you and anyone you refer.

• GUARANTEED SUCCESS: We’re so confident in our program that we guarantee to put more money in your pockets than what our membership costs, or you get your money back!

• YOU GET PAID DAILY: Simply refer others to our 72-Hour Money Challenge, and let our experts do the rest. You can earn immediate and long-term residual income while enjoying one of the highest member retention rates in the industry!

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to transform your financial future. Take and share the 72-Hour Money Challenge today! ??

Every day you wait to accept the challenge could be costing you hundreds or even thousands of dollars EVERY MONTH that you’ll never get back. Get started NOW and start living your best financial life! ??

Ready to join? Simply click the link below and let’s get started: Join the 72-Hour Money Challenge.

Together, let’s make your money work for you! ?? #72HourChallenge #FinancialFreedom #MoneyMatters.

You can join us online by invitation simply by texting EDGE to 561-861-2366.

Today’s show is brought to you by Text "Credit" to 561-861-2366.

Teachers: The Secret Millionaires You Least Expect

Alright folks, let's talk about teachers. You know, the dedicated souls who shape young minds for a living, often for what most would consider a not-so-princely salary. But here's the shocker: according to a study by Ramsey Solutions (that's me, your boy, Dave Ramsey!), teachers are millionaires in surprising numbers!

That's right, teachers snag the third spot on the list of most likely millionaires, right behind engineers and accountants. Doc Ock may be brilliant, but apparently, financial smarts aren't exclusive to high-powered careers!

So, what's the secret sauce? It's not about raking in the big bucks. It's about smarts and strategy, baby! Here's the lowdown:

  • Ditch the Fancy Degree, Embrace Long-Term Investing: Forget the Ivy League! The study shows most millionaire teachers are college grads, but not necessarily from elite schools. They also tend to be long-term investors, playing the slow and steady game.
  • Plan Your Grocery List, Conquer Your Finances: These folks are system-oriented. They have a plan, and they stick to it. Just like you wouldn't design a bridge without a blueprint, they manage their money with a clear strategy. This even translates to the grocery aisle – 85% use a list, and a good chunk stick to it religiously!
  • Live Your Passion, Don't Chase a Paycheck: Picking a career because of the money? Not these teachers! Ramsey emphasizes finding a job you love, because passion fuels success. When you're good at what you do and care about it, the money often follows.

But Wait, There's More!

Here's the deal: you don't need a six-figure salary to be a millionaire. It's all about managing your money wisely. Here's how you can get started:

  • High-Yield Savings: Your Gateway to Growth: Kick things off with a high-yield savings account. These accounts offer way better returns than your standard savings option. Watch your money grow without the risk!
  • WiserAdvisor: Your Financial Wingman: Feeling overwhelmed? WiserAdvisor connects you with qualified financial advisors to help you reach your goals. Get expert guidance without breaking the bank!
  • Acorns: Invest Your Spare Change, Effortlessly: This app is your secret weapon. It rounds up your everyday purchases and invests the difference. Spare change might seem insignificant, but it can add up fast with consistent investing!

The Takeaway?

Financial success isn't about your job title; it's about your habits. So, learn from the teacher millionaires: be smart, be disciplined, and watch your wealth grow! Remember, you've got this!


This week marks the 16th week of 2024, and April is Financial Literacy Month! Financial Literacy Month is a time to promote financial education and empower individuals to make informed financial decisions. Throughout the month, organizations, schools, and financial institutions host events, workshops, and educational initiatives on topics such as budgeting, saving, investing, and managing debt. The goal is to improve financial literacy levels and help people achieve greater financial stability and success.

In important news:

• Economy: The US economy is performing well with steady job growth and low unemployment. Inflation remains high, but it has come down slightly in the past year.

• Federal Reserve's Goals: Their goal is to keep unemployment low and inflation at a stable rate of 2% in the long run. The time it will take to achieve these goals may be longer.

• Interest Rates: The Fed decided to keep interest rates the same (between 5.25% and 5.5%). They will monitor economic data and may adjust rates in the future if inflation doesn't fall steadily towards their 2% target.

• Reducing Bond Holdings: The Fed will continue to reduce their holdings of government and mortgage-backed bonds, as previously announced.

• Future Actions: The Fed will closely monitor economic data and adjust their policies if needed to reach their goals of stable prices and low unemployment.

Let's continue to talk about why now is the time to buy real estate using the theme "Times of Turmoil are also Times of Opportunity." Remember, one of the biggest opportunities in times of uncertainty is the chance to buy real estate at potentially lower prices and with more favorable terms.

Another important point to remember is the power of a three-pronged approach to real estate investing: the 3-legged stool.

  1. Save: By saving more of what you already make, you can leverage those savings into future investments.
  2. Make: Invest what you make, growing your income wisely and smartly.
  3. Multiply: Leverage opportunities to increase your earnings and grow your wealth.

The power of three is crucial in any investment strategy, and this triple play approach can help you achieve your financial goals.

Remember to text EDGE to 561-861-2366 for more information on how to get started on your real estate investing journey.

Today's show is brought to you by Text "Credit" to 561-861-2366 for credit solutions that can help you achieve homeownership regardless of your credit score or down payment situation.

In closing, I want to thank you for tuning in to The Real Estate Show today. Remember, don't just listen—take action! Use our insights to guide your real estate investments and decisions. Join us tomorrow for the "Friday Weekly Wrap-Up," where we recap the highlights of the week.

Remember, "It's a stone cold fact that real estate is the best investment. Period. It's the IDEAL Investment."


Also, you can listen to the entire 30 minute broadcast of any day’s edition of The Real Estate Show by clicking on the audio link on that days summary post. You can also watch the Facebook Live video at

Want to know more? If you are serious about real estate and paying off debt, then find out more on today and every day’s episodes and learn more about Real Estate Investing and learn HOW TO by listening to The Real Estate Show with Eric Willner , Live every weekday morning at 9 o’clock (EST) on Florida’s Money Talk Radio stations WWNN AM1470, FM 95.3 and FM 96.9. You can also hear us on the free apps: iHeart Radio and TuneIn. Recorded Rebroadcasts are available 24/7 on Facebook. Please share this and our Facebook updates.

Eric Willner is the Host and Founder of The Real Estate Show, an informative show about how to buy, own, and improve real estate the right way, on autopilot. - The Automatic Landlord way. ( You can reach Eric Willner at or 888-595-7779.

Also listen to the rebroadcasts on demand on 

Eric Willner is the Host and Founder of The Real Estate Show, an informative show about how to buy, own, and improve real estate the right way, on autopilot. - The Automatic Landlord way. ( You can reach Eric Willner at or 888-595-7779.

#TheRealEstateShow, #The.Real.Estate.Show, #EricWillner, #AutomaticLandlord, #Saving vs Investing, #ThirdHome, #BestRealEstate, #WSBR, #AM740, #FM 96.9, FM 103.9, #WWNN, #AM1470, #MoneyTalkRadio, #TheRealEstateLife, #speakingempire, #GKIC, #makeamericagreatagain, #propertymanagement, #rent, #Saving, #Investing, #Debt Solutions, # So You Can Retire Debt-free, #RetireDebtFree, #VA Loan, #AutomaticDebtSolution

Posted by Eric Willner on April 22nd, 2024 10:19 PM


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